
During their on-site work with the Ticket Monster machines, the Aximo team noticed significant problems within the prize-point exchange system. Running a simple test with staff at the arcade found that the processing of customers points over the course of a week produced cumulated inaccuracies within the tens of thousands. The result was lost revenue and a reduced customer experience.

Aximo knew that a new piece of software was needed to improve the inefficiencies of the current ticket machine system. It would have to be simple enough for staff to operate with minimal training, yet powerful enough to run accounting and stock control functions and run simultaneously on several terminals.


A point-of-sale (POS) software package was deemed necessary, operating much the same as the software used in supermarket checkout. It was a computer-based system, that could operate as a standalone system running only a single terminal through to a remote server-style system running on multiple terminals on multiple sites.

An intuitive user-interface allowed staff to scan ticket barcodes tickets produced by the Ticket Monster and preventing their re-use.  Prize selection was also automated, through a simple scan of the customer’s chosen item, updating stock levels at the same time.

Acting also as a stock control system, staff would no longer need to inform managers when items require re-ordering. Stock simply need be scanned which then produces automated reports for management when stocks run low.


Since launch the software has run seamlessly with minimal issue. The cost of the software and hardware is easily offset against the improved customer experience and cost-saving results by enhanced time and efficiency for staff operating the software.

Bolt on packages were also integrated into the system by Aximo allowing the operator option to add features such as membership systems, marketing systems and standalone self-service terminals for customers.

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